We are the Hands and Feet of Jesus Christ!
Holy Spirit Parish and your Knights of Columbus Council 10389 are continuing to provide aid to the NW NC Helene Disaster Area.We will continue to make regular runs to those accessible areas most in need.Thank you for your continued help. For more information on how to donate and to see photos click Holy Spirit Helping Western NC.
Click ==> A high-Spirited occasion
We, the parish community of Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Denver, North Carolina, continue our traditions of providing spiritual nourishment, Christian hospitality and community outreach, through liturgy, praise, faith formation and ministerial support. We are committed to service of others in the name of Jesus Christ, especially those in surrounding counties. We continuously strive to provide a loving and caring atmosphere in an ever growing faith-filled parish community.
First Friday adorers are needed! Please go to liturgy, liturgical events, and then adoration to sign up or click Adoration to be linked to the page. Drop ins are welcome. Please prayerfully consider adopting a reoccurring hour on first Fridays with our Lord! Please contact Gary Hilton in the parish office if you need assistance signing up.
Liturgy Schedule - Bulletin -Today's Readings
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News Update, On-Line Giving, DSA Support Appeal, Parish Calendar
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If your email has changed since registering with the parish, please fill out the => Contact Information Change Form
If you are new to the parish please be complete and submit on line through this website by clicking ==> Registration FORM
Several ministry leaders have received EMAILS and TEXTS from someone posing as Father. Carmen asking for a favor. These are Scams!
Father Carmen: says: "I have never asked anyone for any financial favor via email or text for any specific charity, with regard to gift cards of any sort. If anyone ever has any doubts, please contact me before ypou take any action.."
To verify the legitimacy of a request from any of our parish clergy, you may call the Parish Office at 704-483-6448.
Prayers and Parish Prayer List
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Dear Heavenly Father,
Please help us to respond most generously to the call to participate in the building of a new church as we prepare for our present needs, as well as the needs of future generations.
Holy Spirit, from the beginning we have felt your presence in this special place. Direct our steps as we plan and continue to respond to the many needs of our parish and local community. Increase our wisdom, courage and selflessness, so that our building campaign might be a success for our sake and for those who will follow us in faith.
Holy Spirit, move us to generosity, as we dedicate to your service the financial blessings that you have entrusted to us as we do our best to build and spread the Kingdom of God! This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Knights of Columbus places a special importance on honoring the Blessed Mother. Every man who joins a K of C council receives a rosary and is encouraged to seek Mary’s intercession by praying it regularly. In addition, many councils promote devotion to the rosary in their families and parishes by scheduling rosary prayer services.
Pope Francis launched a rosary marathon at the beginning of May, encouraging the faithful around the world to pray daily for an end to the pandemic. And there is no better time to honor the Blessed Mother.
Please see the five additional reasons by clicking Pray the Rosary.
Obituaries Weddings Baptisms
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Financial Support and Parish Office
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Parish Office hours:
Monday-Friday from 9am - 4pm
The Parish office is located in the PAC. All visitors please come to the PAC for assistance. This is where you can get Mass Cards, Welcome Packets & Registration. On the weekend the Welcome Committee is located in the PAC from 4pm - 4:50pm on Saturdays and between Masses from 9:30am - 10:50am on Sundays.
Music Ministry
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Music Ministry News
Kathy Bartlett, Music Director
[email protected]
Music Ministry Song List