On Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 5 to 8 pm, at the Family Life Center (behind the Denver United Methodist Church), a Spaghetti Dinner with all the fix-ins will be held with ALL THE PROCEEDS GOING TO THE NW NC DISASTER AREA DONATIONS ONLY!!! (CASH OR CHECK) For more information click on the title of this new date to be linked to the Knights of Columbus page.
The Future of Human Dignity March 29, 2025/8:00 am-5:45 pm The Cathedral of Saint Patrick Charlotte NC For more information click on the title of this news date for more information and to sign up.
Pot Luck Dinner and Meeting Thursday January 30, 2025 6:30 pm PAC Room 9. For more information click on the title of this news date to be linked to the Women of Holy Spirit Ministry Page.
What is Faith Community Nursing? Focuses on a holistic approach to a parishioner with consideration for spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. We are looking for more LPN’s/RNs and Social Workers! If interested: Please call Allison Steele at (704)-685-2451. For more information on events with this ministry click on the title of this news date and be linked to the Nursing Health Ministry page.
Our parish received $5,563.45 in contributions to the Priest Retirement Benefits Collection on September 22. We are grateful for the generosity of our parishioners. The amount of our assessment is $23,393.00. Those who were unable to give may still put a contribution in the regular collection any time. For more details click on the title of this news date to be linked to Information/Financial Support/2024 Priests' Retirement page.
If you are already registered: Click sign in. Enter your email address. FORMED will send you an email. Go to their email and click sign in now. If you need to register: create a new account, enter parish name and location, click next, then enter your name and email address.
Everyone has a role to play in protecting children. North Carolina law requires all adults to immediately report suspected child abuse by anyone to law enforcement agencies. If you know or suspect that a minor (person under 18) has been abused, please call 9-1-1 or contact local law enforcement. Also, if you have information about possible sexual abuse or misconduct by any clergy, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Charlotte report concerns safely, securely, and anonymously 24/7 over the phone using the Diocese’s hotline, 1-888-630-5929, or online: www.RedFlagReporting.com/RCDOC
Embrace Hope, Encounter the presence of your loss, feel “companioned” in your journey in the Bereavement Support Group, which meets 2 pm, Every 3 rd Thursday of the month in the Parlor at Holy Spirit Church. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP
Rev. Father Carmen Malacari invites you to join in praying with the Universal Church, the Liturgy of the Hours. Prayers will be led by Father Carmen after the daily Masses. Click Liturgy of the Hours for more information.
Holy Spirit has chosen to assist the Mercy Associates with their food program. The Associates are collecting food for a nearby High School so as to provide food to students that do not qualify for assistance, due to their parents income being a few dollars over the set amount by the government.
TORE: 4278 Catawba Buris Road, Denver, NC 28037 FURNITURE ANNEX: 6637 Cedar St, Denver, NC 2037 Hours: Tues, Thurs, Saturday 9am - 12pm ELCM is a non-profit, volunteer, shared ministry of Christian women and men who provide a variety of services to individuals and families in the Lincoln County Community.
Please contact Rob Debreczeni if you are interested in leading the Recitation of the Rosary Prior to the weekend Masses. You may email Rob at [email protected], including your full name, phone number & email. Thank you for your service.
If you would like more information on joining the Knights, please talk to any Knight. (You will see us wearing the red name tags at Mass and events). For more information , please contact Grand Knight Jim Barbara at 704 966-4072 or [email protected].